This page is a chronology of the build of our permanent Shed at Kuluin. Page down to see it in its infancy and its progression all the way to the finished product that it is now. We opened it in July 2019 and it is now fully operational.
A Detailed History of our Shed
One of our “originals”, Norm Thursby (RIP), has written an incredibly detailed historical piece on our Shed, spanning the events from its infancy (when it was just an idea) all the way through to what it was at the end of 2020. A huge “Thank You” to Norm for what is indeed a historical document which will be a valued reference and insight into the history of both the evolution of the Shed and how our founding fathers created the wonderful institution that our Shed is today. Click the link here: Beginnings
A day in the life at the new Shed
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The Gym is operational!
Garden Shed slab is poured – One step closer to completion!
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Early June 2019: Final Internal Fit Out is Progressing Nicely
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The Finished Article
We are getting Close!
Latest photos of the stellar work the boys are doing in preparation for our Grand Opening on the 30th April 2019!
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Final Fit Out
Since receiving the keys, the boys have been working feverishly to have our new home completed, ready for the opening at the end of April.
We have the keys!!
Early February Update
We have the keys and now we start to finish the areas that we have committed to do in order to satisfy the Development Approval – Painting, Landscaping, Electrics. The move will follow and we are anticipating occupancy at this stage May/June. Our Move Committee is working hard with the diverse array of things to plan and get done, from machinery placement to “do we get new crockery for the kitchen?” and many other decisions.
January Update
Only some minor Plumbing and Electrical work to be done and of course the car park and driveway to be finished. Not long now!
Arial shot of the site on 9th December 2018 (by William Baarslag)
December Update
Much progress has been made in the last two months. Key points are:
- Workshop, Studio and Administration Buildings are all erected and sheeted.
- Work has commenced on the internal fit out and installation of services in the Administration Building.
- The Builders are almost finished with the Workshop and Studio. Externally the inter-connecting walkway between buildings remains to be completed along with hook-up of down pipes to the stormwater drainage system.
- Shadforths should return in early January to finish the car park and driveway and to spread top soil in preparation for landscaping.
- In mid to late January 2019 we should have access to the buildings to complete the internal finishing and landscaping prior to moving in later in the year
Progress on the Site (September Update)
At last we have progress to report. In fact things are moving so quickly that this report is out of date before it goes to press. The photo below was taken from a drone last weekend with many thanks to William Baarslag.
The main points to notice are:
- The final slab (left hand side) for the Studio has been poured and work is about to start on erection of the building.
- The administration building slab is ready for the building to be erected.
- The workshop frame has been erected and the building is almost fully sheeted
- The car-park and roadway is fully formed, kerb and channel in place awaiting asphalt topping
- All drainage pipes and pits are in place
- The bio basin construction is well under way (between the road and workshop
Based on contractor’s invoices, the BBRF project (site preparation, drainage, car-park, connection of services, and erection of the Workshop and Studio buildings) was 60% complete at the end of September. If work continues at this pace, we can expect the project to be substantially complete by end December 2018.
The Administration Building which is being built under a separate contract has only just started but should progress quickly and could be completed in early 2019.
What Lies Ahead
We now need to turn our attention to layouts within the buildings, to the additional works that have to be completed by Shed Members and to the logistics of the move from Mill Road. Lindsay Robertson is co-ordinating the electrical fit out of the workshop and studio buildings. The security systems, including CCTV and card access to the property and buildings, are being handled by John Winstanley. Bill Maxwell is looking after the Telstra and NBN connections.
The Workshop Being Sheeted
Landscaping and Re-vegetation
With work now progressing well, we should be able to start landscaping and revegetation works along the rear of the site. A site inspection is planned with our Landscape Consultant after which it is hoped we will be able to purchase plants and commence planting. Frontage landscaping works will be held off until after building construction works have been completed.
Work is also underway to satisfy our Environmental Offset requirements at Bli Bli. Under council supervision, we have had several days of weed removal and expect to start planting the first stage in late October. Council is organising a Community Planting Day on Sunday 28 October. It is proposed that local community groups and local residents will assist us in the planting of many trees. It would be good if we can get as many members as possible to help on that day.
A great turnout for weed clearing. Thanks Guys
Update 16/05/2018
Buderim Men’s Shed is a not for profit community group of some 300 members, mainly retired men, who presently operate out of temporary premises at 53 Mill Road, Buderim. Members’ interests span an extensive range of activities, including woodwork, wood turning, toy making, woodcarving, metal work, gardening, art and sketching, computing, french polishing, leatherwork, library and book group, men’s health and well being, music, and leadlighting.
Due to the temporary nature of our occupancy and the inability to find a suitable permanent home on Buderim, the State Government granted us a long term lease over a 1.1 ha portion of the old quarry site in Advance Road at Kuluin on which to construct a new purpose-built complex. This will also allow us to increase our support for other community groups in the region, both by providing greater assistance where required and disability accessible meeting rooms.
What we are going to do…
After many months of hard work last year, we obtained the necessary approvals to commence development of our new Men’s Shed complex in Advance Road.
Our development proposes 3 buildings –
- an Administration building comprising offices, library, kitchen and lunch area, toilets, storerooms and meeting rooms which will also be made available to other community groups.
- a workshop where various woodworking activities, metalwork and craftwork can be undertaken, and
- a studio containing activities such as art and sketching, leadlighting, leatherwork, computer studies and a gymnasium.
On-site car parking for 56 vehicles. Underground stormwater drainage and extensive landscaping will also be provided.
Finally, we’re underway…
Late last year, Shadforth Civil Engineering Contractors commenced work on the site to remove some 15,000 m3 of earth to create a building platform, only to be held up by the wet weather for many weeks earlier this year. Hopefully the rain has now gone and the earthworks can be completed. Shadforths will then construct building platforms, build retaining walls and carpark, undertake stormwater drainage, and provide sewer and water connections to the site.
The buildings…
Due to financial constraints, the building construction will need to be staged. Stage 1 will consist of the construction of the workshop and studio as these are basic, 30m x 12m, metal framed and clad buildings. Stage 2 will comprise of the more complex administration building.
Evansbuilt, another local construction company, will undertake Stage 1 works for us once the civil works by Shadforths have been completed.
Temporary administration activities will be carried out in part of the studio building until stage 2 can be constructed.
It is proposed at this time that much of the fit out will be undertaken by Men’s Shed members.
Our future…
There is no doubt that once established, the Shed Development will be an important community hub and will be increasingly used by other community groups. We are confident that our Men’s Shed will continue to grow at Kuluin and we, together with the other community groups using the facilities will become valued members of the local commercial community supporting local industries and services.