
Pic3Men’s sheds have been established for a range of reasons. At the heart lies some common interest that is shared, and often involved activities built around arts, crafts and technical skills – the kind of things done in the backyard shed.


Rather than work on those interests alone, a community shed introduces a social interaction among the participants that is an important part of well being. The interest of the group develops from that interest and copious coffee to expand the range of things that they do.




List of Shed Responsibility Areas

“Go To” People for services 2023


  Who What
All Shed Matters Management Committee For approval on all shed matters, planning, events, functions, policy
Cleaning Team Leaders Cleaning rosters of the interior of the building, workshop areas, enforcement
Computer  Systems Doug Elliott &

Bill Maxwell

Passwords, guarantees, software, purchases, repairs, printers, backups
Conversation Corner Bill Pentland Ensure that new members enjoy their regular visits to the shed
Equipment register Dick Winfield Arrange registration, test & tagging of all tools and equipment
External Barbecues Alan Webster Organising materials and staffing for barbecues including the Monthly Meeting lunch
External yards Peter Martin and Ross Winks Yard and gardens maintenance
Finances John Corey For all financial matter concerning the Shed
First Aid TBA Maintenance of First Aid Kits and updating register and course for First Aiders
Flag Aiden Whitham For protocols and daily flying and collection
Grants Barry Cheales For all applications for financial assistance
Health & Safety & Fire Barry Benjamin For all matters in the management of this aspect of the shed
Health and Wellbeing Craig Allingham For all matters under this heading including Fitness, Nutrition and Health Education
Inductions David Bell & Reception Team Inductions and welcome to new shed members
Kitchen Catering Barry Paterson &

Bob McLoughlin

All kitchen catering, cleaning
Newspaper archive  Secretary Shed archive and photographs record system
Notice Boards David Bell For maintenance and currency of information
Publicity & Promotion Barry Cheales For all communication with the media and promotions
Sales and surplus shed disposal Dick Winfield Means to get rid of valuable unwanted junk Garage Sales etc.
Second hand material offers  Shed Coordinators Checking and ruling on selection of acceptable incoming second hand materials to the shed
Security Bill Maxwell
Keys, door opening cards, shed properly locked up and secure
Shed storage Ross Winks Allocation of space, readjustment to building foot prints, building maintenance
Van & Trailer  Bob McLoughlin Maintenance, booking system, trailers, pressure spray, usage problems
Visiting Outside Groups & Shed Bookings Barry Cheales For initial contact for visits by outside groups and the maintenance of the shed calendar
Webmaster John Sexton For all matters relating to the BMS website (thanks to Warren O’Grady)
Welfare Gregg Nowell All matters concerning shed member welfare



Buderim Men's Shed - no pressure – let’s just look out for each other