Being Well

Health & Well Being


To inform, educate and motivate the Shed members regarding health and well being topics that are relevant to our age group and gender.


This group has three activity streams:

  1. A health related presentation during/following the monthly general meeting of the Shed. This will involve a speaker from within or outside of the Shed addressing a particular health or wellbeing issue. The speaker will be invited to stay on for lunch to respond to member questions.
  2. A circuit training fitness session at the Shed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings where members commence between 7.00am and 7.45am to undertake a multi station workout aimed at improving muscle mass, bone mass, agility, balance and strength.
  3. Social cooking group (once per month) where members prepare, cook and share a meal as they learn kitchen skills, cooking skills and cleaning up skills. We aim for healthy option meals such as curries, stir fries, risottos, etc. Not a barbecue.

Member Participation

Shed members can attend any or all Health & Wellbeing sessions and contribute to discussion and generating topics for speakers. Whilst we have an appropriate sized organising committee at the moment, there will be opportunity to join as the group finds its feet. Calls for additional members will be posted on the noticeboard from time to time. Members with a strong interest or expertise will no doubt make themselves known during our discussion group sessions.

Group Leader – Craig Allingham

Board Liaison – Barry Cheales

What this Group is NOT:

  • A substitute for qualified medical care and advice for members.
  • An opportunity for promoting businesses rather than promoting health of members.
  • A series of lectures telling members how to live their lives.
  • A private consultation opportunity for health issues.

Shed Strong Fitness Sessions


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Buderim Men's Shed - no pressure – let’s just look out for each other